omolegho akhibi
Gina M
Film & TV Producer/Brand Developer/Brand Partner
June 11, 2024
Individual endorsement
Creative arts Team leadership

Omo is a very talented photographer particularly within the concert photography scene. She captures the moments in a creative and professional manner. I highly recommend working with her.

Team feedback
Omo has been fantastic to work with. She is very skilled as a photographer particularly within the concert photography spaces. She is extremely pleasant and creative, and is always a joy to be around, this not only applies to myself, but also the talent and others on the team.
Creative arts Team leadership
The Glo Up Program - Level UP
The Glo Up Program
Glo Up Program
Glo Up!
Glo Up Program
Dawn Van Dam
Dawn Van Dam
December 14, 2023
Team feedback
Omolegho, thank you for all of your hard work this year. Greta job!
Communication Press releases Google analytics Blogs Marketing materials Marketing Project management Promotional materials Email marketing Search engine optimization
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Canyon Entertainment Group
Communication Internship. Blogs, Press Releases, Emails in Entertainment
Canyon Entertainment Group
Dawn Van Dam
Dawn Van Dam
December 6, 2023
Team feedback
Omolegho, thank you for all of your hard work. Great job!
Communication Sales funnel Google analytics Marketing materials Project management Promotional materials Writing Editing
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Canyon Entertainment Group
Promoting Brands Internship in Entertainment Industry
Canyon Entertainment Group
Dawn Van Dam
Dawn Van Dam
October 29, 2023
Team feedback
Omolegho, thank you for all of your hard work during this internship. Great job!!
Content creation Press releases Communication Standard operating procedure Blogs Marketing Project management Tiktok Snapchat Social media content
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Canyon Entertainment Group
Social Media Content, Followers, Engagement for Music Industry
Canyon Entertainment Group