Information Materials on the Global Drug Trade

Fanshawe College
London, Ontario, Canada
Chris Monteith
Coordinator/ Professor
  • January 12, 2022
    Experience start
  • January 15, 2022
    Project Scope Meeting
  • April 9, 2022
    Experience end
  • Certificate
  • 25 learners; individual projects
  • 10 hours per learner
  • Dates set by experience
  • Learners self-assign
Preferred companies
  • 2/1 project matches
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience
  • Any
  • Any
Communications Marketing strategy Media Education
digital marketing communication research
Project timeline
  • January 12, 2022
    Experience start
  • January 15, 2022
    Project Scope Meeting
  • April 9, 2022
    Experience end
Learner goals and capabilities

Students in this program are able to examine addictive substances as a global commodity, tracing their impact on issues of race, empire and inequality. While studying the opium warms of the 19th century into the narco violence in present-day Mexico, students have a better understanding of the various impacts of the drug trade on the modern world.

Students will have knowledge around issues of criminality and policing, how transnational flows of licit and illicit drugs shape how societies interact with each other and reveal persistent power imbalances. Students will be able to speak to the wide demographic of individuals who impact the global drug trade, including: imperial administrators, Colombian drug lords, CIA agents, Central American villagers, mafia dons and pharmaceutical sales reps.

Expected outcomes and deliverables

Deliverables will vary depending on the scope of the partnership, and the needs of the organization. However, the deliverables will be discussed in length prior to the students starting the project.

Project Examples

Beginning in September, students will work independently with your company to identify your needs and provide actionable recommendations, based on their in-depth research and analysis.

Project example that students can complete:

  • Informative anti-drug materials in a variety of mediums, for example: posters, videos, brochures, etc.
Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Provide relevant information/data as needed for the project.

Provide an opportunity for students to present their work and receive feedback.

Provide a dedicated contact person who is available for weekly/bi-weekly drop-ins to address students’ questions as well as periodic messages over the duration of the project.

Be available for at least 2 follow-up meetings with the students to monitor progress, clarify doubts, and answer questions.

Be available for a quick phone/virtual call with the instructor to initiate your relationship and confirm your scope is an appropriate fit for the course.