Financial Forecasting for Food Trucks Association of Canada (FTAC)

Food Trucks Association of Canada
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Jana Ray
COO | Executive Director | VP Strategy
Preferred learners
  • Anywhere
  • Academic experience or paid work
Financial modeling Financial services Risk, audit and compliance
financial planning financial software sales forecasting business strategies forecasting sales research break-even analysis
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

Develop a comprehensive financial forecasting and revenue plan for the Food Trucks Association of Canada (FTAC), a national, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. Students will research industry trends, and create a detailed forecast model focusing on passive revenue streams. Key areas include membership fees, display advertising, and website-based opportunities like classified ads. The project aims to produce a data-driven financial projection aligning with FTAC's nonprofit status and mission.

What tasks will learners need to complete to achieve the project goal?

Expected Outcomes

  • Basic understanding of FTAC's current financial status including revenues and expenses.
  • Develop in-depth knowledge of industry benchmarks for nonprofit associations
  • Proficiency in creating financial forecasts and revenue plans for nonprofit organizations
  • Enhanced skills in financial analysis, data visualization, and presentation of complex financial information

Expected Deliverables

  • A 3-year financial forecast model (Excel spreadsheet or Google Sheets)
  • Detailed revenue plan focusing on passive income streams
  • Written report (15-20 pages) outlining the financial forecast, revenue plan, and supporting rationale
  • Presentation deck (10-15 slides) summarizing key findings and recommendations
Supported causes
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
About the company

The Food Trucks Association of Canada (FTAC) is a national, nonprofit organization which was first registered in Canada in the late summer of 2020, in the earlier period of onset of the pandemic.

An agile approach has been taken and we are now looking to redefine how we can best start and grow to support the industry. It is critically important to us to provide real and lasting value to our members.

Projects that are taken on by students and courses in the Riipen platform will be instrumental in our ability to build capacity to deliver that value.
To date, the work of the Food Trucks Association of Canada has been led by a volunteer Executive Director who is a passionate advocate in this space, and has leveraged a 75% student body of employees made available through various employment subsidies. It is a key part of our mandate to support student learning.

The NAICS code for the Food Trucks is 7223 and other code subsets.