Transportation Sustainability - Advanced Design Development of a Vacuum Chamber Airship

Project scope
Environmental sustainabilitySkills
engineering design process ansys simulation software communications protocols computational fluid dynamics solidworks (cad)The main goal for the project is to continue advanced engineering design development of the Vacuum Chamber Airship (VCA) sponsored by the company and initiated by the 2023 ASU EPICS engineering student team. Students will use SolidWorks and available ASU analysis applications (e.g., ANSYS, CFD, FEA) and available enabling technical references on the company's data repository to assist in the development effort.
Similar to the summer EPICS project, students will be assigned to a sub-team focusing on a particular aspect of VCA development aligned with each student experiential resume. Although student assignments will be individualized, students will have the opportunity to collaborate within their sub-team to accomplish their assignment task. Tasks range from an IT student specialist researching and recommend remote control and command communication protocol to an ME student analyzing stress in a structural element, to an EE developing a power budget and similar individual assignments.
A company engineering rep will respond to student questions within 24-48 hours via email.
Once on-boarded, students will be given an assignment task aligned with their experiential resume in order to provide the best opportunity for developing their real-world skills transitioning from academia to industry.
A company engineering rep will meet with students for 1 hour every other Friday of the month between project kick-off and project completion.
Supported causes
The global challenges this project addresses, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Learn more about all 17 SDGs here.
About the company
Adaptive Concepts LLC is an Engineering Innovation Lab located in Troy, Michigan USA. The company investigates novel concepts that support Advanced Engineering Development initiatives as community service projects.