Website Developement

TDJ Travel
Fruitland Park, Florida, United States
Tony DeNicola
Travel Advisor
Preferred learners
  • United States
  • Academic experience
Marketing strategy Information technology Visual arts
marketing hypertext markup language (html) c (programming language) cataloguing wordpress back end (software engineering)
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

This year I added a new brand to my company to focus on motorcoach tours. I want to further narrow in on providing this service to groups instead of marketing it to individuals.

I need to have a new website developed that I will market to various clubs and organizations. I have approximately 60 different tours that I want to advertise on this website to visiting users.

I need the following to happen:

1) Either develop a new website from scratch or create a WordPress theme that can be used.

2) Take each of the tours I have (I will provide a scanned copy of the tours I have available) and create an HTML version of the tour to present on the website. Also, create a PDF version of that tour so that people can download the PDF from the tour page.

3) Create a contact form on the web page where potential clubs/groups can contact me.

4) Once an organization selects a tour they want to market, I need a backend area where I can create the tour for that group.

a) I should be able to go into the backend, navigate to the tour from the ones entered into the system, and select to create a live tour.

b) When a live tour is created, I should be able to create a new name for the tour, set a price, minimum and maximum number of guests for the tour, the deposit amount and deposit last date, and final payment date. This will create a new table in the database with the new information I just entered and a link to the main tour information so it doesn't need to be duplicated.

c) A unique URL should be generated that I can give to the group organizer. They can then market this link.

d) Anyone who has the link can go to that page and register for the tour. They will be able to complete an online registration form and make a payment (through Square or another online processor. If the person is registering before the deposit end date they should be giving the option to make either the deposit or another amount between deposit and final amount. If it is after the final deposit date they should only be able to make the full payment.

e) Once the person registers they will be set up as a user in the system. They can then come back and make additional payments over time.

f) The user will also have access to various other forms that will need to be filled out. Including guest information (name, address, phone, etc), covid waiver, a terms and conditions document they need to review and sign off on, and various other forms.

5) In the backend area I should be able to assign one or more group admins to a group tour. These admins can log in and see who has registered, made deposits, signed forms, etc. They should not have the ability to upload or make any changes to the tour, just review the information.

6) I should be able to log into the back end and create various HTML documents I can upload. These would be things like terms and conditions documents. These documents will be able to be assigned to a live campaign for users to review and sign off on.

7) The system should be set up where automated emails can be scheduled for a live tour. These will be emails such as Final payment due, new documents added to be signed off on, confirmations of payment, etc.

8) I need an area where I can create a tour as well in the future as I add new tours or make changes to existing ones. These new tours and changes should show up in both the tours catalogs that groups can view as well as live tours that are already set up for a tour.

This is a rough outline. If you choose to accept this project I will provide a more detailed outline of what I need.

If the developer has graphic skills where they can either use the images from the PDF documents or find similar images for each destination using sites such as pixels and then resize and optimize the images, that would be a plus.

About the company

TDJ Travel is a travel agency specializing in cruises and all-inclusive resorts. We have been in business since 2018.